Thursday, March 14, 2013

Rambling, Gambling

As a healthcare professional, I know I should have health insurance. I usually do, but recently I decided I wanted to have my cake and eat it too so I went to part time status from my fulltime teaching position and increased my part time hours in the ER. Shortly after this occured, my hubby changed jobs and this left us without health insurance. I intended to purchase health insurance but life got in the way and I placed this on the back burner...

I would like to point out that I have had health insurance for our whole family for years and years. I have paid thousands of dollars a year to have said health insurance and during that time our whole family remained remarkably healthy. Which I know is a blessing- I'm just saying I've paid my required dues to the system and didn't take back.

Now, in the past month I have had one child ill with mono, my other child broke her wrist playing basketball, and I received an animal bite that was dirty and nasty. Because my one daughter was so healthy, our GP's office felt justified in charging double the fee (*&%*) because she hadn't been seen in 5 years, my other child was seen in the ER, had an ortho dr appt, and I thankfully was seen by my GP in the past 5 years so I was able to pay the usual fee. This of course comes with out of pocket costs for prescriptions and the like.

So all of those dollars spent over the years are now worthless to me and instead I am paying out of pocket. And surprisingly enough, the out of pocket expenses aren't as much as the cost of monthly insurance payments. I guess I should qualify that as "right now". It makes me wonder if I had saved all of those dollars over the years, how many dollars I would have right now. No, forget it. Knowing the amount will only irritate me and hold me back from purchasing the health insurance we need.

Anyways, my venting is complete. I will now do my duty and purchase the required health care.


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