Had a visit from a frequent flyer, Drama Queen, tonight with her usual hulking boyfriend at her side. This couple always reeks of pot smoke and can barely finish a sentence in 5 minutes. They dress like they just stepped out of a costume store with props and all- no particular theme, just costumed. Triaging her is torture...
I try to be patient but I usually end up saying, "So what brought you here today?" while she rambles on about her "medical history" which with each visit sounds more and more like a TV drama they have recorded and played back just prior to walking into the ER and ends with a request to fill a narcotics script.
Today however, is finally different.
I get to practice my blank face. You know the one- you put it on like a mask while desperately trying not to react to what you have just heard.
Drama Queen tells me she had a pseudo-seizure in a very large department store and her boyfriend had to reach into her mouth and hold her tongue so she wouldn't choke on it. And of course no one would help her. I ask the Hulk how long the pseudo-seizure lasted and he replies 5 minutes.
All I can envision is this large mass of a man, high as a kite on THC, standing in the middle of this store with shoppers and families walking by while he attempts to shove his ham-hock like hand down into her mouth while she faintly swoons to the floor in period dress and he in his pirate get-up. For 5 whole minutes.
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